Sunday, October 26, 2008

Another New Video!

Well Hello Again!

Another video has been made! Very few people will understand this video as it is a work joke. Yet ill post it anyway.


Saturday, October 25, 2008

October Update

So, Ideas heave been banded around for Squid King II, and it will happen before the year is out. Ironically, my previous entry mentions a Chinese Democracy-esque situation, which is being released in a month, so it will probalbly see the light of day before Squid King II.

In the mean time we've made another movie involving a prank we played. Hope you enjoy it.


Sunday, September 14, 2008

Origins '08

We are proud to announce that a new Squid King video is in the works, albeit at the very early stages. We must apologize to our fans as it has been a Chinese democracy-esque situation, but there our plans to make further videos and so far the material is good. Further news will be announced soon.

-Origins '08-



A big hello to all of you who happened to stumble across this page.

This site is the one and only outlet of squid king related news in the world, so you've come to the right place if thats what your looking for.

If you dont know who the squid king well I bet your wandering what the hell all this and what its about huh?

Well all your questions will be answered in this public service announcement:

Keep it locked on this site for futher news.
